
Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application.


Configuration uses the Typesafe Config file format (HOCON), but is read using pureconfig library.

The configuration is stored in the application.conf file. You can either modify that file directly or override it using system properties (see Typesafe Config’s readme on how to do that).

Email configuration

By default, a dummy (no-op) email sender is used. If you’d like to send real emails, you’ll need to enable either the smtp sender, or the mailgun sender by specifying the appropriate configuration options (one of email.mailgun.enabled or email.smtp.enabled needs to be true).

You can also add support for another email service by implementing the EmailSender trait.

Project name customization

If you want to use Bootzooka as a scaffolding for your own project, use the renameProject command with sbt, for example:

sbt "renameProject com.mycompany foobar"

This should rename your project to Foobar, move all sources to top-level package com.mycompany.foobar.