
Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application.

Development tips

Generally during development you’ll need two processes:


If you are planning to use Bootzooka as scaffolding for your own project, consider cloning the repo with git clone --depth 1 in order to start the history with last commit. You can now switch to your origin repository of choice with: git remote set-url origin

Useful sbt commands

Database schema evolution

With Flyway, all you need to do is to put DDL script within bootzooka-backend/src/main/resources/db/migration/ directory. You have to obey the following naming convention: V#__your_arbitrary_description.sql where # stands for unique version of your schema.

Developing frontend without backend

If you’d like to work only on the frontend, without starting the backend, you can proxy requests to a working, remote backend instance. In ui/Gruntfile.js you need to edit the proxy settings and change the proxies option in connect to point to the backend instance, e.g.:

proxies: [ {
    context: '/rest/',
    host: '',
    port: 80,
    headers: {
        'host': ''
} ]


There are three imports that are useful when developing a new functionality:


If you are doing JSON serialisation or deserialisation, or if you are defining an endpoint which uses JSON bodies, add the following import:

import com.softwaremill.bootzooka.infrastructure.Json._

This will bring into scope both custom and built-in Circe encoders/decoders.


If you are defining database queries or running transactions, add the following import:

import com.softwaremill.bootzooka.infrastructure.Doobie._

This will bring into scope both custom and built-in doobie metas.


Finally, if you are describing new endpoints, import all members of the current Http instance:

import com.softwaremill.bootzooka.http.Http

class UserApi(http: Http) {
  import http._


This will bring into scope tapir builder methods and schemas for documentation. Note that if you are using JSON in your endpoint descriptions, you’ll need the JSON imports as well.


Logging is performed using scala logging. Extend StrictLogging to bring into scope a logger value.

Bootzooka also supports correlation ids. The id is read from the X-Correlation-ID header of incoming requests (see CorrelationIdInterceptor), or a new one is generated. The correlation ids are included in all outgoing http requests (see SetCorrelationIdBackend). Correlation ids are included in log messages, if the logging is done using a logger obtained via FLogging, which wraps the default slf4j logger, adding correlation id handling.

The result of FLogging.logger methods are effects (IO and ConnectionIO are supported), which - in order to be evaluated - need to be combined with other effects that are returned by the method in which the logging is done. When programming using the tagless final style, a CorrelationIdSource typeclass is available.