
Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application.

Frontend application

Bootzooka’s frontend is a true Single Page Application built with React. It can be treated as a completely separate application or as a client for Bootzooka server.

As a separate application it deserves its own build process handling all the details (linting, testing, minifying etc). Hence the frontend part is almost completely decoupled from server side code. The only coupling is on the level of packaging final application (which is described later in this doc).

Please note, that the UI is based on fantastic tool called Vite which takes care of fine details like build configuration, minification & hot reloading under the hood, without you having to worry about it. For more details, see the project’s page.

Installing Node.js & Yarn

To work with the ui module you need to have node.js installed in version 22 or newer. Make sure you have node command available on PATH.

As a package manager, Bootzooka’s UI uses Yarn. Make sure to have it installed before the first run.

First run

If this is your first attempt to run ui, please go to ui project and run

yarn install

This will install all required dependencies for this project. If all is well you can start your development version of frontend by issuing yarn start from command line (or running the provided frontend-start script in the main directory). It should start your browser and point you to Bootzooka home page.


Build system exposes several tasks that can be run, you can find them in package.json file.

The most important tasks exposed are:

yarn start task

This task serves Bootzooka application on port 3000 on (it is available to all hosts from the same network). Your default browser should open at this location. All requests to the backend will be proxied to port 8080 where it expects the server to be run.

Hot reload is in place already (provided by the Vite stack), so every change is automatically compiled (if necessary) and browser is automatically refreshed to apply changes. No need to refresh it by hand.

In this task all scripts are served in non-concatenated and non-minified version from their original locations (if possible).

yarn build task

It builds everything as a distribution-ready version to dist directory. It doesn’t fire up the proxy server.

yarn test task

This task runs tests and watches for changes in files. When change is detected it runs tests automatically. This is especially helpful in hard-development mode. Tests are run with Vitest.

yarn test:ci task

This task runs tests just once (useful in CI environments, where an exit code is required).

Distribution and deployment

Although in development ui is separate project there is no need to deploy it separately. All files from ui/dist (which are generated during yarn build) are used by backend to build the final fat-jar application. All necessary integration with SBT (backend build) is provided. That means when you issue package in SBT, you get a complete web application which contains both server side and frontend components.