
Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application.

Production deployment

Fat jar

To build an executable jar, simply run (in sbt) backend/assembly (that is, the assembly task in the backend subproject). This will create a fat-jar with all the code, processed javascript, css and html. You can run the jar simply by running java:

java -jar backend/target/scala-VERSION/bootzooka.jar


To build a docker image, run backend/Docker/publishLocal. This will create the docker:latest image.

You can test the image by using the provided docker-compose.yml file.


Use Helm to easily deploy Bootzooka into Kubernetes cluster.

Add SoftwareMill Helm repository

helm repo add softwaremill
helm repo update

Fetch and Customize Bootzooka chart

helm fetch softwaremill/bootzooka --untar

Install Bootzooka chart

helm install --generate-name bootzooka

Please see Bootzooka Helm Chart documentation for more information, including configuration options.